Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IWSG or something

I haven't been labeling my IWSG posts. Part of the problem is that I can't think up new, interesting ways to label them each and every month (i.e., I'm lazy) and part of the problem is that I often forget until the las...

No, can that idea. The fact that I forget has nothing to do with labeling anything, so that's meaningless.

Part of the problem is that I need to...


If I stop to think about...


It's a matter of scatteredness. Call it ADHD, call it an imagination, call it Alzheimers. There are lots of labels that might fit. I call it WDHD or simply WD. Writers Dementia (High Density).

There are times I can't remember even my own name, my brain is so filled with characterization, plot, writing time, non-writing time, how the stories are developing and why and blah blah blah.

Sometimes I just have to sit and stare at the wall to let it all settle. The problem comes in when this staring-at-the-wall phase lasts hours or days. Which it sometimes does.

Writers Dementia can be a hazard of the trade, but it can also be helpful. Some of my best ideas come when I'm staring at walls, or when I'm not really thinking. Of course, when I find myself parked somewhere off in the boonies writing furiously, with no idea how I got there or how long I've been gone...

Life is interesting.


  1. Some of my best ideas come when I'm just staring into space while playing my guitar.
    And sorry if you were removed from the list by accident. I don't take people off unless they miss two months in a row and I always check a day or two after Wednesday in case it was posted late. I hope you signed back up.

    1. I did, but I'm not sure it took--I just checked again and my blog isn't there.

  2. Its there now. I found you! I do pretty good thinkin' in a hot bath, but we don't have a working bathtub right now, so I feel your pain.

    1. Glad you found me! I stare at the wall in the shower sometimes.

  3. I believe that I am familiar with this condition but had not known it had a name before now... Have you ever been staring at a wall in public - suddenly had something click into place, and gone Aha! - or laughed - or something else completely inappropriate? Cheers!

    1. Absolutely! I think it's hilarious. Have you ever been in public when someone else does that and you can tell they're a writer? :)

  4. I blame my disorganizational skills on my bipolar disorder. Its as likely a culprit as any.
    My Insecure Writer Whinge is here.

    1. I can't blame bipolar disorder, perhaps fortunately. I'm hard enough to deal with, I can't imagine myself with bipolar. :)

  5. Funny, Lauren--I *just* posted an article about my OCD and ADD ganging up on me! New follower here through IWSG--hope you find your balance soon :)
