Saturday, November 24, 2012

FifTy foLoWerS cOnteSt

I now have more than fifty followers! Maybe that doesn't seem like many to some of you, but I think quality counts. :) I've loved getting to know so many of you since I started this blog, and I look forward to more.

As a thank you, I'm giving away a personalized evaluation from HalfWorld Evaluations to one of my followers. If you have a book you'd like evaluated, let me know in the comments on this post or any other before the end of December. I'll randomly choose one person as the winner and make that announcement at the end of the year.

This can be either a book that the winner thinks is close to being finished or something raw that s/he'd like some direction on (as long as it's first draft finished).

See a copy of a limited sample evaluation here. There's a PDF version at the bottom of the page. I've added some categories since I created this one.


  1. Mighty generous. Congrats on the milestone.

    1. It's the only thing I've got at the moment, so I figured why not?

