Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yesterday I spent the entire day working on my website, didn't even open up any of my novels. I'm trying to build a beta readers service for people who don't have friends who can read and evaluate their novels. Basically so that I don't have to go back and work for someone else.

Then of course, BAM, at 9:30 something went wrong and I was up till midnight trying to fix it.

So I slept late this morning, and I've got some other things that need to be done today, so I'm going to sign off the internet.

Right after I go visit all the interesting sites and play with my stats and visit my firends and and and

I should really just shut up, but somehow I have a difficult time doing that.



  1. On my first blog I got all caught up in trying to change the html code by myself. Sometimes it worked; sometimes it didn't. I can certainly sympathize with you. :P

  2. Hi, Lexa! I've never played with the HTML on my blog, but I got a bug in my ear and decided to build my own website. I'm using Drupal, which makes it MUCH easier than playing with HTML.

  3. I messed around with can either be rewarding or frustrating. A beta reader service is a great idea!!!

  4. So are you charging to beta read people's novels? If so , how much? Must curious. Sounds like a great idea.

    1. Yup. I want to get a couple other people to help because there are genres that I don't read. Not yet, though. Not until I figure out how it works. $25 for a basic read and 1-5 ratings in each category. $50 for basic + personalized comments in each category. NOT a complete review. Just gives the author an idea what needs to be fixed.

      Judging by the number of books out there that look like they haven't even been edited, I figure there's a market for it.

  5. So... When you get this service started, I'd really like to know. I could desperately use it. The last person to read my manuscript left comments like, "OMG gurl, u rock!", "ummm its supposed to, not suppose to.", and decided 'their' and 'they're' weren't words, only 'there'.

    1. Gladly. I'm sorry you have experiences like that. It's important to have someone read your books who can give you feedback.

      Eventually I hope to have writers forums as well as a page where people looking for beta readers can meet each other.

      I'll post an example page so you can see what you would be getting. I'm not adverse to starting before the website is live.

